Ben Zipkin

Ben Zipkin, a leader in tech-infused healthcare strategies, masterfully blends data science, AI, and user experience at Pharma/Forward, driving innovative solutions for orphan diseases and precision medicine. With a rebellious spirit and deep digital expertise, his insight uniquely equips clients to navigate biopharma's intricate terrain, ushering in a new era of innovative solutions.

View my LinkedIn profile for my complete professional CV.

Ben lives and works in Madison, WI, after stints in Buffalo, New York City, Boston, Seattle, and Chicago.

My Company: PharmaForward

At PharmaForward, we revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry by fusing data analytics, AI, and superior user experience, offering transformative solutions that refine operations and redefine success metrics.

With a deep industry insight, we empower our clients' decisions, elevate customer experiences, and shape impactful digital marketing strategies.


FDA Regulatory Review - Custom GPT

The FDA Regulatory Reviewer is a specialized AI-powered tool designed to assist professionals in navigating the complex landscape of FDA regulations. This tool is tailored to provide expert-level guidance and insights on FDA compliance. Trained on a full scrape of + over 100 FDA warning letters.

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